Issue 040921 – Guideline for applying Vietnam work permit for foreigners

Dear Valued Clients, 

Vietnam law allows enterprises, agencies, organizations and individuals to recruit foreign employees to work in managerial, executive, expert and technical positions. ENT Law LLC would like to send to customers the summary of legal information you need to know related to the procedure for granting work permits of foreigners working in Vietnam.


The following legal documents are referenced in this article:

1. Labor Code No.45/2019/QH14 promulgated by the National Assembly on November 20, 2019;

2. Law on Enterprises No.59/2020/QH14 promulgated by the National Assembly on June 17, 2020;

3. Decree No.152/2020/ND-CP dated December 30, 2020 of the Government regulating foreign workers working in Vietnam and recruitment and management of Vietnamese workers working for foreign employers in Vietnam (“Decree No.152”).


“Work permit” is a document issued by a Vietnamese authority that allows a foreigner to work legally in Vietnam. The work permit must clearly state information about the employee, including full name, passport number, date of birth, nationality; name and address of the organization, working position.

1. Eligible target for work permit in Vietnam

Vietnam law stipulates the working purposes of foreign employees in Vietnam in Decree No.152, specifically:

    • Performing employment contracts;
    • Performing intra-company transfer program;
    • Performing contracts or agreements on economy, trade, finance, banking, insurance, science and technology, culture, sports, education, vocational training and health;
    • Providing services under contracts;
    • Offering services;
    • Working for foreign non-governmental organizations or international organizations in Vietnam that have been granted with operating licenses in accordance with the Vietnam law;
    • Working as managers, executives, experts, technical workers;
    • Working as volunteers;
    • Taking charge of establishing the commercial presence;
    • Performing contractor projects in Vietnam; or
    • A relative of a member of foreign agencies in Vietnam who are authorized to work in Vietnam under an international treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory as their relatives.

For the above purpose, foreign employees working in Vietnam need to apply for a work permit, except for the following cases:

    • Employee is the owner or capital contributor of a limited liability company with a capital contribution valued at least 3 billion VND;
    • Employee is the Chairperson or a member of the Board of Directors of a joint-stock company with a capital contribution valued at least 3 billion VND;
    • Employee is the manager of a representative office, project or the person in charge of the operation of an international organization or a foreign non-governmental organization in Vietnam;
    • Employee is an intra-company transferee within 11 sectors in the schedule of commitments in services between Vietnam and WTO, including: business services, communication services, construction services, distribution services, educational services, environmental services, financial services, health services, tourism services, recreational and cultural services, and transportation services;
    • Employee enters Vietnam to provide professional and engineering consulting services or perform other tasks intended for research, formulation, appraisal, supervision, evaluation, management and execution of programs and projects using official development assistance (ODA) in accordance with regulations or agreement in international treaties on ODA signed between the competent authorities of Vietnam and foreign countries;
    • Employee is granted a communication and journalism practicing certificate in Vietnam by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as per the law;
    • Employee is sent by a foreign competent authority or organization to Vietnam to teach and study at an international school under management of a foreign diplomatic mission or the United Nations; or of a facility established under an agreement to which Vietnam is a signatory;
    • A volunteer as specified in clause 2 Article 3 of the Decree No.152;
    • Employee enters Vietnam to hold the position of a manager, executive, expert or technical worker for a working period of less than 30 days and up to 3 times a year;
    • Employee enters Vietnam to implement an international agreement to which a central or provincial authority is a signatory as per the law;
    • A student studying in a foreign school or training institution which has a probation agreement with an agency, organization or enterprise in Vietnam; or a probationer or apprentice on a Vietnam sea-going ship;
    • A relative of a member of foreign agencies in Vietnam as specified in point l clause 1 Article 2 Decree No.152;
    • Obtaining an official passport to work for a regulatory agency, political organization, or socio-political organization;
    • Taking charge of establishing a commercial presence;
    • Employee is certified by the Ministry of Education and Training as a foreign worker entering Vietnam for teaching and research purposes;
    • Entering Vietnam for a period of less than 03 months to do marketing of a service;
    • Entering Vietnam for a period of less than 03 months to resolve a complicated technical or technological issue which affects or threatens to affect business operation and cannot be resolved by Vietnamese experts or any other foreign experts currently in Vietnam;
    • A foreign lawyer who has been granted a lawyer’s practicing certificate in Vietnam in accordance with the Law on Lawyers.
    • Being a target in one of the cases specified in an international treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.
    • Getting married with a Vietnamese citizen and living in Vietnam territory.

Entities that can sponsor a work permit for foreign employees include:

    • Enterprises operating in accordance with the Law on Enterprises, the Law on Investment or international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory;
    • Bidders making bids or performing contracts;
    • Representative offices, branches of enterprises, agencies or organizations licensed by the competent authorities;
    • Regulatory agencies, political organizations, socio political organizations, sociopolitical professional organizations, social organizations or socio-professional organizations;
    • Foreign non-governmental organizations licensed by competent authorities in Vietnam in accordance with the Vietnamese laws;
    • Public sector entities, educational institutions established as per the law;
    • International organizations, offices of foreign projects in Vietnam; agencies and organizations licensed by the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries or central authorities as per the law;
    • Executive offices of foreign investors in business cooperation contracts or those of foreign contractors awarded operating licenses by the law;
    • Law-practicing organizations in Vietnam as per the law;
    • Cooperatives and cooperative unions established and operated in accordance with the Law on cooperatives; and
    • Household businesses and individuals licensed to do business in accordance with the law.

2. Conditions for obtaining a work permit

According to the provisions of Article 151 of the Labor Code, in order to apply for a work permit, a foreign employee must fully satisfy the following conditions:

    • Foreign employee is at last 18 years of age and has full legal capacity;
    • Foreign employee has health condition suitable for the job required;
    • Foreign employee is not serving a sentence; does not have an unspent conviction; is not undergoing criminal prosecution under their home country’s law or Vietnam’s law;
    • Foreign employee is a manager, executive director, expert or technical employee, has all the documents as prescribed in Article 3 of Decree No.152 as follows:
    • For expert: Obtaining at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and having at least 03 years of experience in their training field in corresponding with the job position/job assignment that they will be appointed in Vietnam; or Obtaining at least 5 years of experience and a practicing certificate in corresponding with the job position that they will be appointed in Vietnam, consular legalized.
    • Technical employee: having been trained in a technical field or another major for at least 01 year and having worked for at least 03 years in their training field; or obtaining at least 5 years of experience in corresponding with the job position that they will be appointed in Vietnam.
    • Executive, manager: Leading and directly managing affiliated entities of an agency, organization or enterprise.

3. Application and procedure for issuance of a work permit

Procedures for applying for a work permit will be carried out according to the following steps:

Step 1: Apply for Approval of Demand on using foreign employe

At least 30 days before the date on which foreign workers are expected to be employed, the employer shall determine the needs for foreign workers for every job position for which Vietnamese workers are underqualified and send a corresponding report to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs or the People’s Committee of province or central-affiliated city where the foreign workers are expected to work.

A dossier includes:

    • Certified copy Enterprise Registration Certificate;
    • Registration letter for recruitment needs:
    • The official according to form 01/PLI issued together with Decree 152, if this is the first time the employer register and is accepted to employ foreign employee; or
    • The official dispatch according to form 02/PLI issued together with Decree 152, if the employer has been approved to use foreign employees but has changed demand.
    • A power of attorney (if the applicant is not the legal representative of the enterprise)

The processing time for approval is 10 working days.

Step 2: Prepare documents for work permit

While waiting for approval at Step 1, the foreign employee and the employer will need to prepare the following document:

    • An application form for certification of exemption from work permit No. 11/PLI Appendix I;
    • Consular legalization and translation of health certification issued by a foreign competent entity or an original health certification issued by a Vietnamese competent health facility within 12 months before the submission date of the application or the certificate as specified in regulations of the Minister of Health;
    • Consular legalization and translation of judicial records issued by a foreign competent entity or an original judicial record issued by a Vietnamese competent entity within 6 months of issuance;
    • Certified copy of valid passport;
    • Documents to certify them as a manager, executive, expert, technical worker, teacher (college degree, documents to certify their working experience of at least 3 years outside of Vietnam, etc). These documents need to get consular legalization and get translated into Vietnamese;
    • 02 photos (4cm x 6cm size, white background, front view, bare head, no color glasses), taken within 6 months before the submission date of application;
    • Documents relevant to the foreign worker (appointment decision of the parent company, labor contract, company charter…).

After receiving a written notice of approval for the position of foreign employee issued under Step 1, the employer will add the original of this document to the application for a work permit to submit, except for the following cases: need not determine the need to use foreign employee.

Step 3: Submit documents to get work permit

At least 15 working days before the day on which a foreign worker starts to work, the applicant shall submit an application for work permit to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs or the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the province where they are expected to work. If the application is complete and valid, the applicant will pay the fee for making a work permit and receive an appointment letter to return the results. If not, the applicant will be instructed to supplement and complete the application. The process for a work permit is usually 5 working days from the date of receipt of a complete application.

Step 4: Get the result

Within 5 working days after receiving a duly completed application, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs or Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of province where the foreign worker is expected to work shall issue a work permit to the foreign worker, using Form No. 12/PLI Appendix I Decree No.152 appended. The form of work permit shall be solely printed and issued by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. If the application is rejected, a written explanation is required.

For a foreign employee specified in case of performing employment contracts, after the foreign employee receives a work permit, the employer and the foreign employee must sign a written employment contract as per Vietnam’s labor law before the date on which the foreign employee is expected to work.

4. Validity period of a work permit

The validity period of a work permit shall coincide with any of the period/duration below but not exceeding 2 year:

  • Validity period of the employment contract to be signed;
  • Duration of the foreign worker’s assignment in Vietnam;
  • Duration of the contract or agreement concluded between Vietnamese and foreign partners;
  • Duration of the service contract or agreement concluded between Vietnamese and foreign partners;
  • Duration determined in the document issued by the service provider to send the foreign worker to Vietnam to negotiate the service provision;
  • Validity period in the operation license of the agency, organization or enterprise.
  • Duration determined in the document issued by the service provider to send the foreign worker to Vietnam to establish a commercial presence;
  • Duration stated in a document proving the foreign worker’s eligibility to participate in the operation of a foreign company that has established its commercial presence in Vietnam;
  • Duration stated in the acceptance of employment of foreign workers unless a report on demand for foreign workers as specified in point b clause 1 Article 4 Decree No.152 is not required.

Kind regards,



The full version of this Legal Aritcle can be found here.

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